Title: EUPHORIA - European Plant Phenology Research in Aquatic Systems
Funding: EFFS and affiliated societies (See here)
Project start: 01.01.2025
Project duration: 2 years
Project lead: Benjamin Misteli & Anne Lewerentz
Phenological shifts are important indicators of climate change and have consequences for ecosystem functioning for example for pollination. While phenological traits of terrestrial plants and their changes due to climate change have been extensively studied worldwide, there is very little research on aquatic plants, which are important for the functioning of freshwater systems. Knowledge of phenological traits of aquatic plant species is scarce and phenological changes along environmental gradients are still poorly understood. The EUPHORIA (European Plant Phenology Research in Aquatic Systems) project aims to address this knowledge gap by studying the seasonal life cycle events, or phenology, of aquatic plants across different environmental gradients in Europe. By understanding how these plants respond to different climatic conditions, EUPHORIA aims to improve our ability to conserve and manage freshwater systems.
EUPHORIA has two primary goals:
Through this dual focus, EUPHORIA aims to generate valuable data on aquatic plant phenology and advance the research capacity of a new generation of European ecologists.
Aquatic plants, or macrophytes, support freshwater ecosystems in many ways: they improve water clarity, contribute to nutrient cycling, stabilise sediments, and provide food and habitat for other organisms. The growth and reproduction of these plants is closely linked to environmental conditions, making them sensitive indicators of ecosystem health and change. However, little is known about how phenology varies among aquatic species or across different latitudes and climates. Understanding these patterns is crucial because phenological shifts can disrupt ecological interactions, such as pollination timing and habitat availability for aquatic fauna, and alter ecosystem resilience to climate change.
The EUPHORIA project will collect empirical data on the timing of key life cycle events for selected aquatic species across Europe. Key steps in our methodology include
Our focus will be on selected aquatic plant species with different growth forms - submerged, floating and emergent - representing both native and non-native species commonly found in European freshwater systems.
The common goal of EUPHORIA is to bring together a network of ECRs in limnology from different European countries. This network will
By being part of EUPHORIA, you can contribute to cutting-edge research and the development of a vibrant research community. Follow our progress, join the project, get involved in our citizen science initiative and find out how we're working together to protect Europe's freshwater ecosystems.
Are you ready to join this collaborative research initiative? We welcome all eligible Early Career Researchers to apply! 🤝🏻
Apply by completing this Google Form by December 15, 2024.